Let’s Talk Politics Live from Prince George’s County, MD
LTP's purpose is to express the need for Constituents and Politicians to work with an atmosphere of consensus for our common welfare.
“It is advantageous to work from a platform of consensus, rather than striving to achieve compromise”
August 27th saw the return of Let’s Talk Politics hosted by Dr. James Dula and Mr. John E. Bailey IV as co-host. This podcast is produced by Krystal G. and Tara L. who are experts in the field of visual and audio production. The hosts welcomed newly elected County Council representatives Edward Burroughs (District 8) and Wala Blegay (District 6).
Issues addressed:
- business development,
- Transparency in government,
- State and Local areas of responsibility,
- smart community growth with citizen environment,
- senior citizen property tax reduction,
- education and employment opportunities.
“Constituent voices in our U.S. 'Republic' is the foundation of democracy,” said Dr. Dula (a republic is a government whereas representatives are chosen by the people from the people). Qualified citizens are encouraged to know their legislative districts, register to vote, and vote.
Commentary: Dr. Dula, a DuBoisian student, quoted Dr. W. E. B. DuBois, saying,
“When you debate, a solution is seldom found. However, when you deliberate you gain much more ground.”
“When we deliberate, we set the stage for achieving consensus versus the ‘give and take’ solution derived as a result of compromise. To compromise means one must win and the other loses some things.”
Dr. Dula and Mr. Bailey emphasized the desire for representatives and constituents to create a new communication paradigm with a focus on agreeing to work collectively with transparency. There is much more to gain as we live and work within our local republic.
Mr. Bailey emphasized the need to recognize our local small businesses and support those operating within our communities.
We thank Representatives Edward Burroughs and Wala Blagay for joining on the Let’s Talk Politics broadcast to discuss their top priorities as incoming members of the Prince Georges County Council. We recognize Prince George’s County to be the most progressive region in the State with unprecedented growth and development; benefiting both people and businesses. It is our observation that Prince Georgians are “Prince George’s Proud” to be led by County Executive Angela Alsobrooks, a leader who stands tall as we move forward into a new era of development and politics.
“You must speak up and stand up to be heard”. -- Dr. W. E. B. DuBois
At Let’s Talk Politics our focus, as agreed upon, remains on political awareness, education, and consensus building with unity as our driving force.
“Ask not what your country can do, stand tall to do it yourself - VOTE”.
Next Broadcast
September 10, 2022
11am EST
"Civics 101 in Today’s America"
Prepared by:
J. A. DULA, PhD, Host
John E. Bailey IV, Co-Host
“There can be no perfect democracy curtailed by color, race, or poverty. But with all we accomplish all, even peace.” -- Du Bois
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